March Meeting

The March meeting will take place in Portstewart Baptist Church on the 2nd of March at 3pm. This is a great chance for members to take a trip and link up with our friends on the North Coast. Hope to see you there! If you are not yet a member, just show up!

Matthew McAllister Workshop

Dear friends,

You may already be aware that renowned guitarist and performer Matthew McAllister has recently moved to Belfast and is keen to get involved with the society. We’re delighted to announce that he has offered to host a short workshop at the January meeting (5th), which will be in place of our normal meeting format of cluster groups and members recital. The workshop will consist of warm up exercises followed by an examination of a short piece finishing with an open performance class led by Matthew where members are invited to perform a piece and receive positive constructive feedback. This is a great opportunity for the society and not to be missed!

If you would like to attend, please let me know at your earliest convenience, as space is limited.

August Newsletter – New Season

Barbeque: On Sunday 30th July Edwin and Joy Mitchell kindly hosted the annual barbeque at their home in Raffrey, despite being in the middle of arranging their move to Iowa. They had organised an impressive gazebo to shelter us from the downpour and provided a set of charcoal infernos to counteract the rain, so that …

April Newsletter – Meetings Update

May Meeting: The next society meeting is scheduled for Sunday 7th May 2023. Whilst we had hoped to convene in Coleraine or thereabouts, that is not going to work out. Therefore, we shall be having a regular meeting at the Ulster College of Music, Windsor Avenue, Belfast at 3.00pm. June Meeting: The following meeting will …