AGM: The society’s annual general meeting was held on Sunday 5th June at the College. The 2022-23 committee stood down and a new committee was elected.
Barbeque: The annual barbeque will be held on the afternoon of Sunday 30th July beginning at 3pm. Please contact Ed – through the society’s WhatsApp group or by email – to confirm your attendance – we need to have an idea of numbers. Ed will send useful travel directions closer to the time.
Summer Festival: We have about 12+ members and friends signed up for our summer school/guitar festival. This will be held on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th August 2023 at the Hamilton Hub, Hamilton Road, Bangor. The programme will run along similar lines as last year. Once again we are delighted to have professional guitarists, Sean Woods and Brian Keenan as our tutors and recitalists for the festival. The programme will include technical workshops, tutoring on solo and ensemble performance and much more. The committee will be meeting later this month to finalise the programme. In the meantime, please contact the secretary (secretary <dot> cgsni <at> gmail <dot> com) to book a place, if you have not done so already. It is crucial that we know the final number of participants so that we can set a budget, including the attendance subscription. More people attending means lowers fees!
The New Season: The 2023-24 season will begin in September. The committee will be setting the dates and programme which shall then be sent out. Assuming we continue to aim for the first Sunday each month, please pencil in Sunday 3rd September.
Dublin Meeting: Yesterday a couple of members attended a meeting of the Dublin Guitar Circle at Booterstown. Buses and trains were choc-a-block with football supporters and concert goers. Our friends in Dublin were most hospitable and the meeting was a great success. We hope to arrange further collaborative meetings in the future, and we will be encouraging you to consider taking part.