Dear Members and Friends,
We have just completed another successful term, concluding with the Christmas lunch at Rockmount. Also, it was great to welcome some new members this term.
The meeting dates for the next term and beyond are as follows:
7th January 2024
4th February
3rd March
7th April
5th May
2nd June (including the AGM)
BBQ late June or early July – to be arranged.
The ensemble rehearsals will resume in early January, and no doubt Keith will be announcing the first date soon after his return from California.
We have recently developed a society YouTube channel. Members – please have a look and consider sending a video recording of your performances to add to the YouTube collection. The channel is here –
The Ards Guitar Festival is scheduled for 17th – 21st April 2024. The programme is to be announced on 22nd February 2024.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and an enjoyable and successful guitar New Year!
Robert, Chairman