Dear Members and Friends,
You will see on our Facebook page that we had a great day in Portstewart on 7th April.
On Saturday last (20th April) the Society ensemble (Keith, Bob, Aubrey, Deborah, Miles, Carmel, Paul and myself) performed at the Ards Guitar Festival. This was followed, after a short interval, by an excellent solo recital by Miles. The event was recorded by Matthew and Stephen. There are plans to post extracts on the Society YouTube channel, and there are some photos on our Facebook page.
We have secured dates for our Bangor Festival Weekend as outlined below. We shall need to know how many people are attending so please contact me or any other committee member to indicate your intention to participate.
Thus the remaining dates for this season are as follows:
5th May – Regular meeting at UCM at 3pm
2nd June – AGM at UCM at 3pm, members’ recital immediately after
BBQ late June or early July – To be arranged.
Bangor Festival Weekend 24th & 25th August – details to follow.
Robert, Chairman